Pelvic Steaming, Vaginal Steaming, Yoni Steam Guidance
Curating herbs and vaginal steaming protocol for you!
Pelvic Steaming, Vaginal Steaming, Yoni Steam Guidance
Curating herbs and vaginal steaming protocol for you!
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Curating herbs and vaginal steaming protocol for you!
Curating herbs and vaginal steaming protocol for you!
Julia shares her steam story-how vaginal steaming supported her through motherhood and connected her to an ancestral practice that has changed her life.
She will share about what vaginal steaming is, a bit of the history and culture of vaginal steaming, why someone might do a vaginal steam, the benefits, what to expect with vaginal steaming, and a little bit about herbs for vaginal steaming.
Julia is an advanced steam practitioner and herbalist dedicated to sharing and educating about vaginal steaming so more women and people can receive the benefits.
This is a shortened version of Julia's signature class Steam My What?! Demystifying vaginal steam-please reach out if you have questions or want to share your thoughts. Click the link below to sign up to receive the class.
Moon Beam Steams offers you trained, certified, and intuitive guidance with how to safely practice vaginal steaming at home in order to:
Warm steam coupled with organic herbs, flowers, and roots infuses the vaginal steaming experience with botanical goodness, supporting the tissues, membranes, muscles, ligaments, and organs that the steam affects.
Vaginal steam users report that regular pelvic steaming supports their health. Vaginal steaming can be used alone and in conjunction with other reproductive health options.
Moon Beam Steams offers you personalized menstrual cycle education and information. Taking time and space to closely observe the patterns of your unique cycles, we create a holistic picture.
These observations you make allow us to create steps to balance your cycle and to strengthen and nourish your body.
This information is shared in a factual and radically caring way, to combat the stigma and shame often associated with menstruation.
If you experience:
-painful, irregular, heavy, and disruptive periods,
-chronic infections,
-digestive issues and constipation, hemorrhoids,
-fibroids, PCOS, endometriosis,
-difficulty in the peri-menopause or post menopause transition,
-pelvic discomfort and pain-
vaginal steaming could be for you.
Vaginal steaming is also great for postpartum healing, healing after pregnancy loss/release, pre-conception & fertility support,
if you're looking for a way to connect to your body, your cycles, the seasons, and the elements-vaginal steaming may be right for you.
Book a curiosity call with Julia if you want to learn more about if vaginal steaming is right for you!
Moon Beam Steams offers personalized vaginal steaming plans and support to help you reach a place of comfort with your cycle.
You don’t need to feel out of control about your menstrual cycle.
Period pain is not normal.
Though period pain is considered inevitable in our culture, you are allowed to acknowledge your discomfort and seek out a solution. Your period pain should not be ignored, despite the normal occurrence of period pain in our society. Pelvic steaming with certified guidance can empower you to come into alignment with your menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or postpartum experience to reduce discomfort and even shorten or lengthen non-normative cycles!*